7 Reasons You Should Invest In Call Tracking
It’s indisputable that a well-optimised website, coupled with the use of effective analytical tools, is a recipe for success. But have you considered your offline efforts?
Despite the evolution of digital interactions, phone calls remain relevant and aren’t showing signs of becoming obsolete anytime soon – 43% of all search-related conversions happen over the phone. For this reason, putting time and energy into call tracking will never be an investment you regret. Let’s take a look at how call tracking could benefit your business.
#1 Consider call tracking to be like any other marketing effort
Just like you would (or should be!) using Google Ads or Analytics, call tracking can help to measure conversions and successes – except, in this case, you’re simply tracking the enquiries coming via phone.
By using call tracking, you’ll be able to identify how phone calls to your business fit in amongst online enquiries, giving you new and valuable insights into how your customers are finding you. Call tracking helps you see the bigger picture.
#2 The beauty of dynamic numbers
Dynamic numbers underpin what call tracking is all about. Dynamic numbers assign phone numbers to visitors based on where they are, allowing you to know where they’re coming from.
Should a visitor visit your site again in the future, they will see the same dynamic number, so you’ll never lose sight of that visitor, who you can then target as part of future marketing efforts and business.
#3 Call recording to improve your service
Using call tracking, you can record your employees whilst they’re on the phone, to help them improve their exchanges with potential customers, and identify which members of your team are following up on leads. What’s more, this feature also allows you to see if calls are missed and when.
#4 Identify which keywords are driving the calls to your business
Knowing which keywords are generating business is essential, and call tracking can help you achieve this. You’ll be able to see which keywords triggered specific calls and the campaign from which the ad was displayed.
#5 Measure your offline efforts too
We all know that web analytics done right leads to easy monitoring of your online marketing efforts. However, fewer people are aware of how to monitor their offline efforts.
Call tracking allows you to place tracking numbers across flyers, in magazines and on billboards, and measuring this data will give you a better idea of the campaigns which are bringing home the best ROI, and allow you to adjust your budget accordingly.
#6 Out of hours routing
Call tracking allows you to reroute your calls, so you’ll never miss a chance to generate a lead – you can even choose to have your calls handled by a virtual receptionist.
#7 Allows for easy integration
There’s nothing more annoying than having to jump between multiple analytics programs using different logins and passwords. The good news with call tracking is it can be easily integrated with Google Analytics and Ad Words, so all your analytics data is in one place, ready to be interpreted with ease.
Contact Digital Aesthetics if you’re looking for support from experienced professionals who are passionate about propelling your business forwards.
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