For businesses that are not generating income online, a website can be seen as a tool that does not require much upkeep and attention. However, for the many businesses that rely on the internet for growth, website design and development is critical and has become an elaborate and complicated business.
Internet audiences have matured and become increasingly demanding about the quality of their online experience. Taking advantage of technology and understanding the wants and needs of the user is critical for generating enquiries and direct revenue. If your website is unusable and sub-par when compared to that of the competition, you lose.
Since our inception, we have been investing time and effort into perfecting the way to build and run profitable websites (on WordPress and other platforms). Our approach is methodical and consultative and you get to decide your level of involvement in building and maintaining your website.
We are here to make your vision a reality, and to achieve that, we use all of our knowledge to steer you away from anything that can slow down sales. This is our differentiating factor when compared to other agencies that focus purely on visual impact.