Are you eager to rejuvenate your mind, refresh your perspective, and immerse yourself in a plethora of groundbreaking industry knowledge? Then join us at one of the biggest medical aesthetic events this 2024: CCR London!


“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty and anyone who keeps learning stays young” — Henry Ford


And this year’s CCR London event offers it all. It offers an opportunity to learn new things through an abundance of educational programmes and unmissable networking opportunities.

It is an event like no other, and it is NOT to be missed! CCR London will provide you with invaluable insights to help elevate your skills and transform your clinic for years to come … and what is not to love about that?!




Beyond being your ultimate destination for all things injectables, devices, skincare, and business education — CCR London is proudly presented by Aesthetics (an esteemed name recognized for its contributions through ACE, The Aesthetics Awards, and the renowned Aesthetics journal). 

Aesthetics is also committed to elevating industry standards and fostering innovation, and needless to say, CCR serves as a cornerstone event dedicated to propelling the field of medical aesthetics forward.

You and other attendees have the golden opportunity to gain expert knowledge from trusted partners and the advisory board of top practitioners, explore CPD-certified content, as well as benefit from over 20 hours of networking with industry leaders and peers! 

How exciting is that?! 

Hold onto your hats though, because in addition to uniting the entire aesthetics community and offering all of the above — CCR will also host over 140 of the most reputable brands, products, suppliers, and solutions from across the UK.

And THAT is absolutely MAGICAL!

Yes, yes and yes, the only thing scarier than Halloween this October, is NOT securing your spot at this incredibly informative event this upcoming autumn.

So please be sure to secure your spot TODAY!!!




Of course, CCR is for YOU … and for every member of the medical aesthetics community. 

Whether you’re a seasoned doctor, a skilled dermatologist, a compassionate nurse, an innovative aesthetic physician, a pharmacist, a surgeon, an aesthetic gynaecologist, a dentist, or a dedicated clinic manager — CCR welcomes all!

With its comprehensive coverage of both surgical and non-surgical procedures, products, and topics, CCR provides a platform for professionals from diverse backgrounds to come together, learn, and collaborate in advancing the field of medical aesthetics.




YOU can expect the EXTRAORDINARY.

And we’re not even joking, as CCR currently stands as the UK’s premier event in medical aesthetics, seamlessly bringing together surgical, dermatological, and aesthetics specialties. 

It not only offers mind-blowing and cutting-edge technology, devices, and products but also unparalleled networking opportunities. Moreover, attendees can look forward to a must-attend charity after-party alongside distinguished practitioners and esteemed individuals, and THAT is truly something to look forward to!

If you missed out on last year’s CCR event, fear not! We’ve got you covered. Take a look at the highlights below to ignite your excitement and get a taste of what’s in store for this year’s event:




Attending this year’s CCR London event offers an opportunity to stay at the forefront of the latest developments in the aesthetic industry. Yet, as we all are well aware, beauty is not only skin-deep

 — it emanates from within, reflecting our inner well-being. 

And CCR provides a platform to effect positive change in the lives of many. The profound link between aesthetic enhancements and mental health is increasingly validated by scientific inquiry.

While this connection is intricate, studies affirm that aesthetic treatments can profoundly influence mental well-being, fostering a sense of holistic happiness. Through participation in CCR, you are equipped with innovative tools to navigate this multifaceted relationship, fostering not only physical but also emotional well-being.

Who would not want to be part of such a positive journey? Our thoughts exactly! Mind blown!




CCR London’s doors will swing open on the 10th and 11th of October 2024 at Entrances N1-N2, Excel London, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, Royal Docks, London, E16 1XL.

The opening times are as follows:

10 October 2024 (Thursday) — 09:00 to 17:00.

11 October 2024 (Friday) — 09:00 to 16:30.



Secure your spot in the heart of the action by reserving your seat here.


Book your stand here

Whether you’re looking to expand your expertise as a participant or showcase your brand’s offerings as an exhibitor, CCR London 2024 promises to be an event like no other.




The CCR London event promises two days of unparalleled learning and invaluable networking with industry leaders and peers. It also offers a platform to elevate your skills and your clinic to new heights. 

So join us at CCR and let’s work together to boost the success of your practice!

Interested in elevating your digital aesthetics? Whether it’s transforming your website or creating wonders online, our team is here to help. Get in touch with us today.